CRGV stands for Cutaneous and Renal Glomerular Vasculopathy
CRGV has a common name of Alabama Rot as it has symptoms similar to the cases found in America, but CRGV does have a number of differences to Alabama Rot.
The first cases were identified in the New Forest by vets Anderson Moores, based at Hurlsey.
Over the last 6 years, more CRGV cases have been seen between November and May than between June and October, suggesting a possible Winter / Spring seasonality.
The official web page supporting this condition is
Anderson Moores has a Facebook page at
There is mapping available for locations of confirmed cases at
Fund raising for CRGV research
There are two groups raising funds for research in to CRGV.
The official group raising funds have called the website ARRF, which stands for Alabama Rot Research fund.
Their page is at
They have a Facebook page at
Another group is the New Forest Dog Owners Group. Their fund raising is held in a bank account and is dedicated to Anderson Moores and any other interested party with an acceptable application.
Their page is at
They have a Facebook page at
Parliamentary petition
There is a Parliamentary petition at You will have to validate your email address to sign the petition.
Confirmed UK cases
This is the number of dogs who have died, and the condition has been confirmed by autopsy. Autopsy is the only way to confirm the condition. There are a number of dogs who have not been autopsied, so the true figure of the dogs infected with or who have died from this condition is unknown.
CRGV - Alabama Rot on Facebook
There are numerous groups on Facebook. I would send you to
Anderson Moores has a Facebook page at
Alabama Rot UK Help - CRGV
ARRF have a Facebook page at
New Forest Dog Owners have a Facebook page at