Neutering and Spaying
Dorsetdog - Neutering and Spaying your pets
Did you know, that spaying or neutering your pet not only stops them from breeding, it lowers the chances of them getting illnesses that they may get if they are left entire. Illnesses such as testicular cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer as well as infections and the like.
It also reduces the risk of them roaming, jumping fences to find a mate and also calms them down. Bitches in heat can also escape and roam whilst looking to mate.
It is a myth that a bitch should have a litter before being spayed. Giving birth young can prevent the bitch from developing properly and could cause future problems. For the bitch’s health, it is important that they have one season, and are then spayed halfway between that and the next season. Allowing your male dog to mate could encourage anti-social tendencies like urinating in the home, and inappropriate sexual behaviour.
Be responsible, spay or neuter your pet! Leaving a pet unaltered is dangerous, not only for them but for the offspring they may end up having.
However, it is imperative that you do not spay or neuter your pet at too young
an age. The dog is still developing, with chemical changes going on in its body
as well as the general growth of the dog. Operating on a dog too early in its life
can adversely affect its temperament - and its health later on
Male dogs shouldn't be neutered until they are around 12 month old at the earliest.
Female dogs should not be spayed until three months after a season - preferable after at least their second full season.
For those of limited income, charities can help cover the cost of this operation. Talk to the staff at your local vets.
For more information click on this line to go to the Dogs Trust website