Dog walking groups
Dorsetdog - Dog walking groups
Please scroll down the page to see contact details of groups who have provided contact details so far
Please email details of your dog walking group to
If you would like to join or start a group in your local area, then please email details of where you are and this will be advertised on Dorsetdog free of charge. Your email address can be displayed for like minded people to contact you.
There are some walking groups who allow dogs to accompany the group. One could try the local University of the Third Age (U3A) group, or the local area magazine. Alternatively, one could place a card in the local supermarket or library to find like minded people.
Please send me any contact details or meeting place of any dog walking groups that you become aware of.
When going for your walk, please ensure that you take your dog’s following items with you
Poo bags, no responsible dog owner should ever leave home without them as you never know when they might need to go!
Fixed lead
Water bowl and water
The sides of these soft drinking bowls fold down for small dogs, and fold to fit into your pocket. The wide mouthed 330ml drink bottle is ideal for easily pouring water back in to after the dog has finished drinking.
The whole lot fits easily in to a jacket pocket and is ideal for taking on hot days.
Contact details for dog walking groups in Dorset are; has no connection with any of these groups
There is a group called "Dorset Dog Walking Group". has no connection with this group
They have a Facebook page, so please do
seek them out. Click on the logo to go to their page.
There was a group called "Last Sunday" Walk.
Who met at Cogdon Beach on the last Sunday of the month has no connection with this group
If anyone continues to organise the walks then please let me know
There is a group called "Small Paws Play Group". has no connection with this group
They have a Facebook page, so please do seek them out.
Click on the logo to go to their Facebook page.
There is a group called "Sturminster Newton Dog Walking Group". has no connection with this group
They have a Facebook page, so please do seek them out.
Click on the logo to go to their Facebook page.
There is a group called "Verwood and surrounds Dog Walking Group". has no connection with this group
They have a Facebook page, so please do seek them out.
I am awaiting details of walks in the Weymouth/Portland area
Please ring Barking Mad Bob or Laura to "book in" 01305 851679.
Weymouth seems to have various groups and campaigns going on
Here’s some of the groups
Campaign to change dog ban on Weymouth Beach back to October 1 till May 1st and not as it stand now, November 1st to Good Friday
Weymouth Council please let Dog's off-lead in more areas!
Weymouth dog walking and socialisation group
Stop Weymouth & Port Council from introducing a 'Dogs of their leads' ban
The Change.Org petition about Weymouth Beach is here
Couple of web pages about dog walks
In an attempt to bring all of the above Weymouth group together, there's a Facebook page
Weymouth and Portland Borough Council have a dog owners Guide.
View it by clicking the PDF button below
John Harris has a very good website (inserted below) which lists general walking groups.
The address is