Visiting a dog show for the first time?
Things to take to a dog show includes :-
Fixed lead
Grooming brush
Blanket or towel
Favourite toy
Umbrella - so the dog can sit in the shade if sunny, and to provide protection if it rains
Water bowl and water. Many sites do not have running water
Poo bags, no responsible dog owner should ever leave home without them as you never know when they might need to go!
Some shows have a class just for dogs registered with The Kennel Club’s Companion Dog Club.
Please do not let your dog bark whilst in the ring. If you are unable to stop your dog from barking, please consider leaving the ring.
If your are sat at the ringside, and your dog is distracting any dog within the ring then please consider moving your dog away from the ring.
Please do not feed your dog its dinner right next to the ring as this will distract the entrants.
Most adverts have the show schedules attached that you can download or print off.