Dorsetdog - pet friendly slug pellets
Most people take their pets to visit friends and family. Often those being visited do not have pets and do not consider pet health when buying their preferred slug killer pellets, to protect their plants and veg.
A number of slug pellet manufacturers still use Metaldehyde and other chemicals that are allegedly harmful to pets and wildlife. These include the most readily available products made by Bayer, Doff, etc. However, Bayer and Doff both manufacture slug pellets made from ferric phosphate (a form of iron), considered by some as a more natural chemical or a more natural form of control. It should be noted that iron, if eaten in quantity by dogs, for example, can be fatal. Slug pubs, copper tape and crushed shells etc are also available and considered by some to be a more natural/softer form of control.
Products of some manufacturers who claim to make pet and wildlife friendly slug pellets are shown below
Slug Rid
Growing Success
Advanced slug killer
I have used the Vitax for a couple of years without incident to my dogs
Other slug killers include
Super Slug Killer
Slug bait
Slug killer
Bayer has sold it's Bayer Garden division to SBM
The SMB Developments range is called Protect garden